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I spend most of my time at online as i work full time on boddunan

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Hi all
See I am regular visitor of this awesome site but I don't spend 3-4 hrs but I used to spend 1 to 2 hrs daily.
I like to spend 5 hours at this site,sometimes more if i am free. This site attracts me because of various section into it. I love to spend hours and hours in Forum section.

Want to make each day Accountable

Even i love to spend 24 hour on this site as it is very interesting and i have learnt alot from the sites and from the people of the site

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Boddunan is a unique place,where you could earn and learn various things. Its a great place to do many things.

Want to make each day Accountable

The no. of hours i spend on boddunan varies alot depending upon my days schedule..On holidays ,like these days, i spend about 8 hours
Now i became quite busy, so i will be online only 1-2 hours. but,being online on boddunan will give lot of encourage and entertainment to work.

The minute i become free i spend it on boddunan, I could not leave boddunan at all.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes i feel once you become comfortable here...the site becomes very addictive :P
Sarala, since last few days I have been observing that anytime I login, I find you online. And your points are reflecting your work here on boddunan. Great going girl, keep up!!
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