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i used to work 8-10 hours on some days and less than 2 on some other days...i cannot predict myself.......
these days am spending 12 hours on boddunan. Let us see what the result will be

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Oh great sarala you are working half a day.I am just spending 8 hours.

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Now a days i use to spend all f my office time i.e 9 hours on boddunan.
Now a days am spending 12 hours on boddunan.Lets see what my effort results

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

these days am spending 12 hours on boddunan. Let us see what the result will be

12 hours seems to be a lot....congrats for the dedication you are showing..
These days i have more time at my hands so try spending maximum time here. about 7-8 hrs.
Now a days I am spending 20 hours on boddunan

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

earlier i use to spend only 1 hour hardly. but,nowadays when i will login im very must interested on discussion and i dont know how time is running.. so time i will be online more than 10 hours.. its very interesting. :cheer:

I spend about 2 hours in boddunan daily.But nowadays I am not able to spend even half an hour.

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