The applying of tomato juice to face makes face free from oil and cleanes the skin from dust and makes the face fresh. :)

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Yes, sasikanth is right this is a universal tip actually. One more tip am giving over here, the pimple spots can be removed by applying tomato juice to the skin

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

thank you sarala for your tip.Can you say some tips like this.

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while cooking any curry that may be veg or non veg if you have added more chili or salt then adding tomato in it will reduces the salt and chili and gives a good taste

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you sarala share more tips for all of us it will be usefull to us.

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Thanks for this beauy tip. We can do it at home. This is best idea. We can avoid chemicals and cosmetic products and move on to natural theraphy.
Yes, indeed a very good tip from sasi and sarala. But i want to know if you already have pimple or some cuts on your face, will they dont burn on the touch of tomato juice which has citric effects.
Its a good home remedy and we can use it at home.

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thats why i said tomato juice for pimple spot not for pimple . As you said it contains citric acid so definitely it will burn if there is a cut or pimple

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We are having many uses of tomato juice daily intaking of tomato juice early in the morning reduces obesity.

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Toamto makes any dish yummy. Actually i hate to have tomato. But I eat it raw in few dishes like jal muhi , noodles

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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