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this is mainly due to lack of food & vitamins. this will be avoided by having proper food and oiling to hair in daily basis.

due to the lots of chemical effect on there hair,longer expose to sunlight cause white hair.
whitening of hair causes due to lack of e vitamin which help hair be black and strong

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The children are having white hair due to good food they are eating waste materials which willl make harm to the body.

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Apply tea,beetroot juice,and henna inthe same ratio and apply to the hair fastly the hair becomes black.

"Applying beetroot juice will make the hair black". First time i am knowing this .
I have heard from a women beautician that the mere application of onion paste on the scalp for some days helps turning grey hair into black. It is a slow process and it will take some time for positive results...!
this is new thing im hearing that beetroot juice will help for making the hair black. normally beetroot has reddish colour. how it help to get black hair.

Today climate is changing very badly it effect on child like us take are take too much oily food.
Suraj can you explain what you said? I didnt understood a single word

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Suraj told unknown words related to forum.I also did not understand it.

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