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Trust means belief and faith. If you trust someone means you expect that person to be faithful to you. Actually blind faith is indicated when we use the word trust. Trust can make your image and prestige stronge in the mind of a person. It makes you special. We should never take disadvantage of anybody's trust. It is wrong.
Getting importance in others mind is really hard. for it trust is the main moto

Yes trust of family and specially trust of husband is very important in life.
We should trust to many like our parents as they think always better for their kids. Those who don't trust anybody feel insecure always.
We should trust to many like our parents as they think always better for their kids. Those who don't trust anybody feel insecure always.

Yes trust is base of any relationship those who don't trust others are not trusted by others too. :)
Trust is a very, very important thing in life. Trust is a life.
Trust is a very, very important thing in life. Trust is a life.

I always trust my closed ones as I know the value of trust. :)
If we trust others then only we can take steps to proceed anything. so trust is more important.
If we trust others then only we can take steps to proceed anything. so trust is more important.

Exactly that is how relationship is build up. :)
Some times trust may fail. we can learn lesson from it. It is called as experience.
Trust is very essential to keep a relation strong.Trust binds every relation.

Sharmistha Banerjee
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