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In arrange marraige,now a days,the appearance in present life is taken aside and the boy background,from which culture he belong is seen.

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Beauty is only timely.A mishap may loss all the beauty you valued so far.

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Parents should only see how the inner soul of the boy or girl is. Thats it!!!

Want to make each day Accountable

I think both external beauty and inner beauty is desirable in both the sexes. I mean beauty should not always be thought as good looking because a person with good heart and mind but an ugly look is also beautiful and acceptable and above par than those with beautiful look but mean heart and cheap mentality...!
You are right Ajay.But often all look the external beauty and misunderstands it as personality.

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I agree with Rajani both bride and bridegroom should be beautiful ,specially with mind

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think beauty is not in the face but in the mind. A husband or a wife should be a person who understands each other, have a feeling of care towards the other. Beauty is not always there but the heart of a person is always there. Try to be good to each other and beauty will not come in the way.
But to be frank wife should be beautiful than husband. As in present world guys gives alot of importance to beauty. If their wife is not beautiful then they are trying for other women this is really bad on their part so I feel wife should be beautiful

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

In my opinion both bride and groom should be match mentally as well as physically it should not be like wife is beautiful and husband is below average or vice versa. :)
Now a days husbands are very low in beauty and wifes are dam beautiful. Parents are forcing their guys to marry such low glammar guys

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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