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Now a days husbands are very low in beauty and wifes are dam beautiful. Parents are forcing their guys to marry such low glammar guys

Actually parents don't see beauty in men they just see the male should be well settled and should be capable of taking responsibility of the family which I think is more important only beauty is not that important. :blink:
In general, many people seek for beautiful and intelligent bride. Do you think the husband should equally look handsome compared to his wife? Who must be better looking?

Beauty is skin deep and this true in doesn't really matter if the husband is average looking or vice versa since marriage is based on totally different things....A lazy and uncaring but beautiful wife will not be liked by the husband or for that matter a uncaring and self centered but handsome husband by the wife..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

It is a bad think that most of us think that ladies/women should look beautiful and Men should be a good earner.

As far as myself is concerned, Every human being should look beautiful (Women - Beautiful & Man - handsome). I mean internal beauty not the external one. Internal beauty can be acquired by good characters. Internal beauty makes you look beautiful. In Tamil there is a proverb ' Agathin azhagu mugathil theriyum'. In English it is, 'Face is the index of mind'.

Born to express, not to impress.
In most of the cases, bride looks good than Groom. Indian Grooms are mostly Chocolatey Grooms. Brides are White.
But now situations are changing, now many girls looks almost like Groom.
What i think is that now a days the importance of Color is gone. How good person is, that is all important.

Want to make each day Accountable

Caring & Sharing Makes the life beautiful and multiplies the love as well. Lets care & share that will make us beautiful & handsome.

Born to express, not to impress.
yes. SJ, what you said is right. Parents never see the beauty, but the girl should get some interest after all she is marrying. It is her life right. Every girl will have some tast about her husband. she dreams how her husband should look and all.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Beauty in outlook is not all ,It should be internally beautiful.
I have seen many times that a good looking boy or girl is taking benefit but not a good minded.
yes. SJ, what you said is right. Parents never see the beauty, but the girl should get some interest after all she is marrying. It is her life right. Every girl will have some tast about her husband. she dreams how her husband should look and all.

Yes a girl should see a boy before marrying him if it is an arranged marriage its her right to do that. I am not beautiful like my wife but my wife chose me and we married with each other's consent. :)
Girl should not take decision in pressure about her marriage. She should look at the boy very carefully.

Want to make each day Accountable

Everyone likes to be beautiful and there are various beauty aids. Enough has been discussed on this in this thread and now this is diverted to discussion on marriage and selecting match. It seems that now is the time to lock this thread.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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