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Remember only this - this moment is not permanent in your life.It will make you not to over enjoy or not to be over sad.

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Yes, nothing is permanent in life. So, Live today and enjoy every moment in our life.

Be positive
If we are in a relationship we should make sure that we remain with each other through every ups and downs of life. A relationship which not build on good hope and faith will fade away soon...!
The greed of men are high since he has no thought like this.If he thinks nothing is permanent all his struggle will stop.
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yes, I agree nothing is permanent in life accept God

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nothing and no one is permanent in life.Every one has their own way in life.

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When the man understands the whole faces of life god changes the form so as to make it variable all the time.
very good 'shayari', sir. Let's have some more of these from you. Wah Wah kya baat hai.
Everything is permanent till you live only body is not permanent its destroy and soul take new body.

Santosh Kumar Singh


yes nothing is permanent in this world and that is why it is said that live like this is the last day on earth and you will live the best!
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