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Surely all things in this world will be demolished one day and also all the moments in our life goes in next minut itself.

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This is absolutely true nothing is permanent on this earth.

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yes, I do agree , Nothing is not permanent on this earth, we come without bringing anything to the earth and we go with out taking anything from earth

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we can say an example in sivaji movie in climax hero throw one coin on villans dead body and say you cannot take this also with you.

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yes i recently watched that movie on tv and I liked it best when Rajni says "ye bhi tu saath nahi le ja saka"!!
One thing is permanent even we die that is good name and truth full ness.

They will be here with our name after our death also.

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yes, sasikanth our goodname , truthfullness, our good deeds will remain permanent in people heart and mostly our welwisher

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Its you define age of permanent then things is permanent otherwise very big think required to know and underdand which things are permanent.

Santosh Kumar Singh


One thing is permanent even we die that is good name and truth full ness.

They will be here with our name after our death also.

Not only virtue but even evil are permanent. Not only good name but also bad name and falsehood live ever. Even this day not only Rama and Krishna but also Ravana and Kansa are alive in their deeds- good or evil. It is for us to see how we are remembered.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes this is a true sentence nothing is permanant in life whether it happy or sadness.
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