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That means obesity can bring diabetes?Is this a genetic problem?

Of's a genetic problem as well as 'lack of physical exercise too. That's why it's told even a short distance walk is good for diabetic patients

Some people have no work. so, they only watch TV. This results in no activity and diabetes. Nobody can walk for hours. This is particularly about retired persons and housewives. I think that they should limit hours before TV. Instead long walk in morning as well as in evening is better. If possible, everyone should seek some job- even part time so that he has some activity to perform.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Long hours of sitting at work also increased the risk of obesity and diabetes.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Long hours of sitting at work also increased the risk of obesity and diabetes.

In old age the diabetes are more,this may be for tension.
We shoud do regular exercise and walking,it will help to keep diabetes in control.
Too much TV means that you are sitting most of time before TV doing nothing. The tendency to sit instead of physical exertion leads to diabetes.

Yes this is very true. Diabetes patients are advised to do exercises or hard work to reduce the level of sugar in the body.
Long hours of sitting at work also increased the risk of obesity and diabetes.

In old age the diabetes are more,this may be for tension.
We shoud do regular exercise and walking,it will help to keep diabetes in control.

Diabetes may happened to a 5 to 6 years old child. Doctors generally advise to give sugar less milk to babies because of such diabetic problems.
I can't any idea about this.

Sitting at same place for more time it is source of diabetes.

Be positive
Abhishek Dua wrote : Too much of television can give you diabetes. Is it true?

It is not due to television, it is due to us, we sit for more time near television and watch programs. so due to sitting for more time is having a chance of diabetes.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Even having juices, cool drinks, carbohydrates and many more also cause diabetes. So we should take alot of care before its attack

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Too much of television can give you diabetes. Is it true?

Most of us are associated with white collar jobs. We do not have any physical work, This causes diabetes.

Born to express, not to impress.
Tension is not the primary cause of diabetes but it can increase it. The primary cause of diabetes is sweet products(white sugar, not fruits) and excess of non vegetarian foods (as per latest research). You should add more green and raw vegetables to your diet too.

Mala Jaiswar
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