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less physical work and more fast food leads to diabetes
Hereditary and a sedentary life style is probably the most prominent cause, also an imbalanced diet coupled with the two factors can increase the risk of getting this ailment, sometimes at a very young age...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

Even poor diet like low intake of proteins and fiber foods and intake of improper nutrition foods leads to diabetes
If our body always rest and we lack physical exercise we can fall into diabetes.

Sharmistha Banerjee
Long hours of sitting at work also increased the risk of obesity and diabetes.

In old age the diabetes are more,this may be for tension.
We shoud do regular exercise and walking,it will help to keep diabetes in control.

Diabetes may happened to a 5 to 6 years old child. Doctors generally advise to give sugar less milk to babies because of such diabetic problems.

Yes diabetes is no more linked with age. Anyone any time can get it.
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