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working more make us sleep peacefully. no tensions gives us peaceful sleep. washing your feet with warm water for more time at night also gives peaceful sleep.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Great tips here. My idea would be to open all windows (if mosquitoes,in which case I would recommend a mosquito net, and thieves are not a big problem) so that there will be air circulation and fresh air gets into your room. Also, "Sleep early, wak up early" motto is pretty good for health. Avoid day time sleepings as it can cause your night sleeping. Avoid phone messaging, your curiosity for SMS reply kills your sleep! :lol:
yes, whatever roshan said are true and correct. if we follow them we will be healthy. but for some people these kind of tips which roshan said cannot be follow as like me. I work at night.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

devyani your tips are really wonderful i will follow them because sometimes i use to watch horror movies at night and get horror dreams also which scare me .
Try to pray god before sleeping or try to do meditation before sleeping then you will have a peaceful sleep

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

This post is having the good tips to follow.It will help us.

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Before going to bed try to get fresh by washing your face, hands and legs.then sleep on a good bed without anythings on the bed so that you can sleep freely. Try to sleep straightly.

If you sleep on the floor, never sleep directly on floor without spreading anycloth or bed sheet.

Never avoid using pillow while sleeping or else it causes headach

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes when ever i also get busy for the whole day i get sound and early sleep at night.
For getting good sleep we can listen to good music.This will make us feel sleepy.

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Thanks for aware about this this is really a good thing i will follow not to drink heavy drinks before sleeping.
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