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You input is very well useful for all. I just couldnt find any writing site that are hiring indian writers. Recently saw which asked for some online exam which i havent take. Do you have any idea on this?
You input is very well useful for all. I just couldnt find any writing site that are hiring indian writers. Recently saw which asked for some online exam which i havent take. Do you have any idea on this?

This is the first time I have heard of this site. Anyways, did some initial research and Rajani, the reviews are not positive. Most people reviewed this site as scam and I also have a feeling that they are a scam.

I mean they claim that they are in business for 10 years but the website was created on 15th jan 2010 and is registered till 15th jan 2012.

Also, it has been over a year and no blogger/freelancer have written about being paid from this site. Don't you find this strange? I mean do a google search for boddunan payment or boddunan review and many members like soni and others have said they were paid.

Also this site linkedin profile says they are from pakistan and the domain registration info is of paris. That sounds suspicious doesn't it.

My personal advice would be to stay away from this site. I will send you a mail soon listing all the freelancing site I have used or my other blogger friends use. If you interested I can even pass you some of my own writing gigs, just let me know your interests and things you like writing about.

I came to know about this site through this link
due to this reviews i visited the site just to find what is it but i dont understand why this review is given positively.However, i feel that most of the sites are not having good reputation now-a-days.
Thanks for you offers and would definetely want details of geniune sites. I will confirm you. I am interested in technology,health and education etc. :)
I also read the review posted by chillibreeze and it is nothing but rewording of the site. If you read all the content on asiawriters you will see that chillibreeze has written nothing different. There is no personal experience included. The article is more of a press release. So it is the company's word and not necessarily the author.

And I will send you a mail soon. And yea, I do have some topics related to technology and education that may interest you.
Thank you said by: Rajani K
Will recruit number of active members who are good in writing so that can have lot many quality articles on the web site initially.
Then other plans like promoting through social networking sites
Good to see your views Sobhagya . Promotion of site is one of the major things to get success.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I had no idea about it previously But now I opened a web site in my name.Still I am learning about it.
I realize only one thing if your contents have quality with good keywords then no need to advertise it will get good rank in search engine automatically.

Santosh Kumar Singh


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