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Nikah is the main event of the marriage, and only after nikah the bride and groom become husband and wife

Fazelath, Can you please explain me about sukrana and valima?. What is the significance of it?
I have been to a valima,it is wedding reception, The bride side and the groom side greeters are separated. so It is like 2 receptions :)

Swetha Shenoy
The marriage process of the Muslims is very well explained by Fathima and I never new the fact that it is celebrated throughout the period of four to five days... :)
Very nice explanation by Fathima and Gulshanji about Muslim marriage ceremony.

Do the same process is done even today. I feel that now-a-days everything is shortcut. Previously even Hindu marriages were 5 days long but now in 1 day everything is done very fastly. It is almost like running to get married fast. :lol:
Fazelath, Can you please explain me about sukrana and valima?. What is the significance of it?

nagalakshmi.karunanidh sukrana is a function, the groom people come to bride's house with all the jewelery,flowers, clothes, bangles, make up kit, sweets, bananas etc. And the bride wears green color dress or saree given by the groom people, then the groom side ladies will make the bride wear all the jewelery and flowers, etc after this then the bride side people will go to the groom house then there will be a function where the groom has to break a poori and find one rupee coin from it, and the bride sisters hit the groom with thin sticks wrapped in flowers till he finds the coin.

Valima is a reception after the bride and spends a day in the groom's house with the groom. The valima reception is from the groom side.

Do the same process is done even today. I feel that now-a-days everything is shortcut. Previously even Hindu marriages were 5 days long but now in 1 day everything is done very fastly. It is almost like running to get married fast.

Yes Rajani, people still celebrate the wedding for 4days, and very less people with new thoughts celebrate wedding for 1 day. Mostly 90% of the muslims celebrate for 4 days

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