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To achieve success it is not necessary to wait . It may comes quickly or may not come in whole life. Success and failure are the two sides of a coin.
yeah right . all of us should always give our best in any performance and then wait for the result. we must not to be aggressive for the results.
I do believe it but he have to work every hard and then wait.
Yes, I believe it. We should have patience to receive good things.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

As the great Psalmist once said "My times are in your hands Lord!"

I believe its good to wait and not run aimlessly but to have something specific and I also believe once you get it, you have to act on it,because waiting then wouldn't be wise!


Passive waiting brings good and bad both. Action and not waiting is necessary. The opportunities may come any time- now or after some time. This is not worth waiting for. But when you get an opportunity, this should be used to your advantage. Winds and wares are always on side of ablest navigator.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is part of life to wait for good things to comes and we dont know that we are waiting for good sometimes.
Just life will be going on . good things comes and bad things comes. But after badthings only good things comes so that we know the value of good things. thats why people say whatever happens for good only

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sometimes waiting for something you may lose other good things then

In our life nothing goes waste. Every is for good time only

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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