All good things are comes to those who wait? Do you believe it?
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Yes, I believe in this fact and I think that patience holds the key. In our regular life very often we get excited and commit blunders about things rather than holding our nerves and waiting for the proper time to come....
if you want something good or success you should wait for that and in the mean time you must work according to that.
We should only hope things to happen when it is destined to happen and if we want them to happen earlier by our artificial means then suddenly we are going against the nature of it and thereby it could lead us to trouble but though not always...
It's an optimistic axiom and have limited relevance in our practical life!
it is true for somethings like for love and for those which we deserve actually but there are some chances also which we have to get by work hard.
Patience is a virtue. Hence patient waiting may help.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I sometimes believe but not always, sometimes waiting for something can miss out other things too

I don't believe in endless waiting.But I have faith that there will be a hike after a descend.

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I do not believe on this its depned upon situation when we will get good or bad.

Santosh Kumar Singh


yes, we can wait but at the same time have to take effect to achieve our goal..
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