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I think Supreme Court's ruling holding the college authority responsible where ragging takes place is going to produce the desired results!
I dont think this can be stopped as this is been there for ages together

If we can stop something that is the thoughts of ragging in our minds

Swetha Shenoy
Giving severe punishment and protecting freshers by giving high level security will help in this case..
It is basically done on the name of Personality development program.Seniors are supposed to dissipate their experience and knowledge which they earned through lot of struggle, to the new comers.

It mostly takes place in the hostel where they feel free to coerce the juniors the way they want. I think the administration should take the stern decision regarding this and any one found guilty of it should be punished upfront.Hostel warden can play vital role in controlling this menace.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
I think the college authorities should make a team whose main goal would be to deal with ragging and severe actions should be taken against the offenders. Apart from these the freshers should be bold enough to deal with it if required. Besides, if ragging cannot be stopped then the overall concept of ragging needs to be changes...I mean it should be done lightly and an easy going way where freshers might accept it and enjoy it whereby they will come to know their seniors...
I think ragging has claimed too many victims to be allowed to stay in any form.It's the handiwork of a few sadistic elements and a good number of students would not of even of think of resorting to ragging if left to themselves!
I am a member of Anti Ragging squad of our college.But ragging takes place cheating the eyes of the squad.

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ragging can be stopped by hard intimation to those students which rag others.
Ragging should be prohibited with the help of college management

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

The college management should make a security squad to protect the new comers.
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