How to stop ragging in colleges?
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We can stop ragging by taking care of the freshers.
The management should leave the students in different timings i mean seniors abd juniors should be leaving college at different timings. the people who are raging should be threatens that the people who rag will be put in jail and no future that person.There should be a anti ragging comity which can take immediate action on the person who is ragging

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This is one of the heinous crimes I depise with all my powers! Even the highest court of the land has come out very strongly against it.Only stern action and psychological counselling can prevent this very ugly and uncivilized practice!
Ragging can be done ,but it should be in a way which gives fun but not hurt anybody's feelings.The management is responsible to look after it.
No! It should go! We have lost too many precious talents! No fun at the cost of one's life!!!
Yes it should be stooped because of that many had loosed their lives.Many families are suffering still.We must take serious decisions against this one.

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Nobody is opposed to enjoying fun but what goes on in the name of ragging is cruelty in its most abominable form which makes even a third-degree police torture look bearable!
Now a days it is very cruel.It is taking the students to end of their lives with their own hands.If we had not have strict rules it may lead to lose of lives.

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It is psychological problem.Enjoying in other one's pain is a sickness.I think strict action is the only remedy.

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ragging is a enjoyable game for the seniors of college but the juniors lose their self confidence when they become a thing of fun for seniors so the ragging should be stopped by applying strict rules and if anybody try to break the rules they should be dismissed.
Ragging can be stopped to some extend, if the management of the college should be very strict regarding ragging with severe punishment like suspension

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