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CFL lamps are to be used instead of incandescent lamps to reduce energy loss through heat.

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By switching off unnecessary things which we doesn't consume.
Using bulbs of low watts and now-a-days there are energy saving bulbs and lights that are cheaply available in the market which comes in handy when it comes about saving electricity....
Now the Air Conditioners and Refrigerators are coming with some star specification indicating the electricity consumption.

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use electricity as per only requirement . this is the only way to save electricity.
simple tip i give you, when you use electricity , you just think that whether it is useful for you or not then use it. dont use unnecessaryly electricity , dont waste current by leaving the fans etc without offing them when we are not using them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Simply use your night lamp when you watch TV, don`t use tube light.....
In Kerala surcharge is also going to implement per unit consumed.So the use will automatically get down!!!

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by office the devices when we are not using them, especially fan, light etc

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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