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The price hikes depend on many things.Inflation,interest rate,petrol prices etc are some of the reasons.

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You are right, Mukesh! The frequent rise in petro products too has been one of the villains!
There are many reasons for the prices to get increase. that is the speciality of our government

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There are many reasons for price rise in India and factors like over-population, unemployment, corruption, loose law and order all plays an important role in price hike. Natural calamities like earth quakes, floods etc also adds to the rise in price to a certain extent...
Prices are rising more as there are many agents between producer and consumer.
There are many reasons for the rise in prices, if the price of petrol rises then the price of other things rises connected with petrol, like wise many things are associated with one another.

The prices rise as the richer sections have more money to pay. The price mechanism favors the rich. The commodities are limited and the rich have money power to buy whatever they want at higher prices.

The government needs to introduce rationing and distribution of essential commodities through fair price shops and curb hoarding and black marketing.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

prices are rising due to decrease in sources. now the population is large but sources are limited.
Though there are various factors that influence the price rise, inefficient management is the main factor for rise in prices.
population is increasing randomly and resources are decreasing this is the reason of increasing prices.
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