Why the prices are raising regularly with out any reason?

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Prices are increasing due to various reasons hike the low productivity than the required amount etc.
because production of raw material falls on gradually therefore the prices are increasing.
There are reasons.Now it has ceased to be an Indian phenomenon.The commodity prices are rising in all parts of the globe.In India high inflation coupled with production failures have largely contributed to this rising trend.
The usual reason id demand will be growing more rapidly than supply and if anyone who uses a product regularly it simply favor increasing its price without a reason...
Too some extent failure on the part of the government to take firm measures against hoarders and unscrupulous businessmen has also contributed to this phenomenon!
I think because of us also it is raising.We are encouraging by buying it when it raised also.So the government has taken a chance on our week points they are raising.

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Why the prices are raising regularly with out any reason?

Without any reason? At least there is profit reason!!!

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I remeber an atrociously funny comment made by the former US President George Bush when said the food prices are rising because people belonging to thedeveloping world are eating more!!!
It is due to increasing food price index.Also increase in fuel price is always linked with increase in the prices of all other items except the vehicles.
If the price of the petrol increases, there will be lesser demand of new cars which inturn presurrise the auto makers to reduce the price.

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government increasing price without any reason to eat some money there a lota of corruption.
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