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Those who are not getting money cries for money. actually this is a disease, those who has no money cries ,who has money ,cries for more money.
Money gives the power to buy anything in today's world. so people try to cry and catch the money.
The best word is money makes many things for this things people cry for this.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

Because in today's time money is the only thing through which man can survive.
Now money decides all things.So it is natural that man will cry for it.

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because completes the basic needs of life like home and food and cloths.
needs are growing on and the ways to accomplish it is getting costly.That is another reason.

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Money is essential in life But to me money is not everything.
well the ugly truth is that the world revolves around can afford to laugh if you have it but if you dont then you have to cry for it
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It's true that it has become a way for some to make money so that others are forced to cry!!!!
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