Why people cry for money?
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In today's world,Money has become a need for everything.Without money,one can't survive with respect in the society.
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For some it's a practical need and for some it's a disease!!
We all need money for daily expenses and future children education and old age. Nobody can avoid this. But we should also not overwork. Working hard in an honest manner for earning money should not be considered bad. This is not crying for money.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

We should earn enough to meet our needs not to feed our greed!
Today cost of living has been increased and everything is depended up on money. without money we cant even have coffee so people cry for money

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Money is the medium which helps us and our family to fulfill our basic day to day needs. It also comes handy when we are in any sort of emergency...
All reasons for crime also is money . People can do anything for money because its today's need.

Santosh Kumar Singh



We people can`t do anything in this world without money thats why the problem to do so......
In present trend world is completely running around the money. so people cry for money

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Money had become a symbol of social status in present world.That is why people run behind it.

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