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In Tamilnadu power cut is the very most big problem for self employee...
@ Satish

"In Tamilnadu power cut is the very most big problem for self employee..."

Can you explain what you mean by this?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala- This is very simple. A self employed person has his own office and has to arrange himself all facilities like lighting, cooling for running his office. During power cut, he and his clients are in dark and sweating. So, this is problem.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes, pradeep is right, self employment is the best solution

unemployment can be reduced by taking initiative steps by govt. and also by increasing chances in private sectors also.
By opting for self employment one can solve the problem to a little extent.
Unemployment is a serious problem in our country. Self employment is not only the solution. Govt should take action to solve it.
I feel, one should stand and make the unemploye to employee.

Every unemploye should not wait for some one to offer them job, they just try to do self employment .

Learn the subject of the requirment which know one can learn and try for the job. you will surely get job.

See the dignity of job, dont compare the job with your qualification

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

unemployment problem in india is very big and it need a lot effort to less it but government should give sufficient change to backward people.
This is a great issue not only in our country in foreign also.I am agree with somebody said that self employment may be it's best solution.
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