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Thanks once again,Arun! Going by the enthusiastic responses from our members I can fairly guess the kind of unenviable task you have on hand! Whoever wins is the victory of this site!!

The pleasure is all mine Chinmoy. I honestly did not expect such an overwhelming response.

And yea, I truly want this to be the victory of the participant. My goal is to help them get decent money online with as little work as possible so that they get time to fulfill their personal passions.
I would be glad to join as well.I am interested to know more about earning online.It would help me making my home time of some value.

Its a great initiative I must say.


I would be glad to join as well.I am interested to know more about earning online.It would help me making my home time of some value.

Its a great initiative I must say.

Thanks Pearl. I will make sure that this initiative is a success. I have already started on getting my materials together. I am liking it so far....
OK Arun.So the lucky persons getting selected can share their lessons here itself.

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OK Arun.So the lucky persons getting selected can share their lessons here itself.

Definitely they can share. Infact they should share. That is what my end goal is. Infact I want some of the participants to continue imparting the knowledge they've gained.

I respect your decision. It is not binding at all.
Good to see lot of reply for this thread i think every member are here because want to earn money.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Yes, when they share there is no need to worry others that they hadn't got selection.

Visit my blogs:
yes i am willing to do online job to earn some extra money.
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