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I can't understand how ignoring him would make his stubbornness disappear!
Thanks to you all for precious suggestions. the ideas are working but it needs a lot of patience to tackle a person having completely opposite temperament than that of yours.Either one can ignore him which is not a great idea or he should be made to interact with other seniors of the same vertical or finally one can seek his replacement.

Arise Awake and Rest Not till the Goal is Achieved.
Before any extreme step is contemplated,all avenues have to be explored to make him see reason!
I will become a friend of such person and let him know his mistakes and make him complete the tasks.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

[quote]Before any extreme step is contemplated,all avenues have to be explored to make him see reason! [/quote]

I agree with this! But since a person can go only to a certain limit in a professional set up, if the person has been reasoned with a number of times and still persists in his/her stubbornness, then the best action is to issue a formal and written notice. A formal record gone into the personal files is usually enough to set a person right!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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