:angry: I have one staff in my branch who is really stubborn and is never ready to accomplish any task assigned to him.If everyone doesn't contribute, others get demotivated who are really working well.Pls advice.

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Actually you need a very cool mind and patience to deal with stubborn persons. Perhaps you cannot change him/her with the attitude "change now". You need to change his/her attitude and thinking by building a good relation with him/her in the form of having a regular friendly chat and make him realize that he/she is one of the biggest resource to the organization. Try to view things from his angle for sometime and find out why he is so and then after getting to know him well try your own innovative ways to get him back to your track or business...
This is not unusual. There are all types of staff. During my long career in Government, I came across many stubborn, foolhardy and good for nothing fellows. Such persons do not get promotion and even their increments are stopped. But even then, they remain a burden on others. Also efficiency levels differ.

The best remedy is to post him to a relatively less important and routine job. Take others also in confidence and motivate them for some tolerance of the stubborn person as if he were a family member. If you have a good for nothing member in your family, you will even the adjust and not throw him out. Keep superior authorities also informed about him so that they could also take some appropriate action.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i will take him out from my organization.
Stubornness itself is not of one kind! In some cases patience pays and in some cases show of firmness! If he doesn't respond to your reasonable overtures,firm actions need to be taken in the interest of the organization!
Such people are common and only way is to try them not involve in the particular job and if he further creates more problem it is better to get rid of him
We can reason with them but if the other person is not listening then the stick has to be wielded!
We should make him understand,if he don't listen to us,we should remove that person from the society.
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It's proving to be too stubborn a subject refusing to go away! It also show how much we dislike stubbornness!
To handle a stubborn person is the most difficult job, handling them you may get raise your blood pressure


Don't care him much and slowly he will come to you and ask for the reason of not being friendly with him and then you can handle the person well.
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