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I think the members themselves have to withdraw from such posts.Today I opened many threads , but found some are not known to me.So I just closed it.

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I too accept, as the members increased the posting by the members have become mechanical for earning only points for example chandan a member of, he posted same post for all the forums.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I want to suggest something . If boddunnan starts paying more ao giving more points for quality artcles or reviews , no one will run after post meaningless posts in forums raher one will concentrate in writing articles .
Thanks friends for responding to it and the feedbck it has drawn so far is proof of your concern to keep the forum rocking and lively as it used to be! I have suggestion.How about punishing a motivated and useless post with -5 and rewarding a valuable post with additional +5!!!!
Chinmoy the idea is rocking but I think then each post is to be reviewed by the editors before it gets a place in the forum. It will be a little troublesome think.
It is OK Ceeem.But this has to be manually checked which is the real problem.

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