
I have not been that active over the last two months but not so inactive to be not going through a good number of posts made during this period.What has struck me is the dwindling quality of posts.Even a month back the scenario was different.The topic floated were qualitatively far superior and stimulating and the interaction too lively and exhilarating.What is amiss?Please bring back the good old moments!
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I think you we all are missing old members post like from meen,deep,me,lohit,u,maveric etc.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I took accept with chimoy and new comers are doing a great job however not too lively like the old days when kumaresh, Raaghavn used to post some good facts and it was fun and knowledgeable however not now.
It's true some familiar and very popular members are not that active.We can only hope that they would return to rock again!
I have a strong feel soon all the active members will be back to rock the forums.It would be full and fun plus knowledge. :) :)
Chinmoy , though i am a bit new but i think this is a phase only and everything will fall in good shape as you wish.
The quality is coming down as new members are adding.. as they need to accustomed to this environment and start contributing good content.

Nowadays, many people start promoting their websites leaving the quality aside. Time to take strict actions.

I will discuss with other moderators and editors and come up with an action plan(rules, new moderators and so on). Hope things will go fine.

When opportunity is in front of you, don't hesitate to catch it. It will never come to you again. - Maverick

Sure we are always ready to do that and we will also try to guide the new comers as they come.
I too miss those days Chinmoy and wish they come back! Like Rajesh said, probably it is a passing phase and hope that it passes soon!

Thanks for your comment, hope everything falls into place very soon!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

It is a common scenario that when the members grow the flow also will turn.There was a rythm earlier which now lost, I think.

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There are already sufficient rules to guide the members. The problem is with implementation. It is job of all to see that the site is spam free and contains meaningful discussion and articles. I suggest that members should report whenever they find spam or breach of guidelines in any post. There will always be some who may use any trick to simply add points and cash. Apart from copying, some even write comments like- I do not know so I cannot comment etc- in so many posts and these give them points and even figure in the Leaders list. Eternal vigilance is the cost of keeping the site lively and spam free.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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