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Some oils like Lavenderis extracted from flower only ..and lavender is know for relaxation flowers do have power to heal and i agree that some scents are very strong which create allergy to some people...Actually JAsmine is one such type which creates irritation for some..
Flower also used for therapeutic purpose?Thanks for this information.

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Healing Power of Flowers
Whether as bouquets in our homes and offices or blooming in our gardens, flowers have a wondrous ability to bring joy and rejuvenation simply by their presence in our lives. While their beauty alone can uplift us, according to thousands of flower-essence practitioners around the world, it is the unique energy of each flower, also known as its vibrational “essence,” that holds the power to truly heal.

“Flower essences work on the mental and emotional level to restore health,” explains Nancy Buono, a Bach Foundation registered practitioner and international educator and consultant in the field of flower essences based in Tempe, Ariz. “Our body, mind, and spirit are linked. When we are blocked emotionally, our physical body is affected. Essences facilitate physical healing by clearing the emotional distress and increasing the energy that’s available to the body.”
Flower Therapy is fast becoming the buzzword in complementary medicine. Its safe healing powers and extraordinary ability to bring about a cure that is holistic in nature is creating a revolution of sorts. Its popularity reinforces the need for conventional medicine to take a good look at its practice of treating the disease, not the person.

India’s mind-boggling reservoir of flora and fauna makes it a veritable paradise for practitioners of Flower Therapy, or even just lovers of nature. Though Indian Flower Remedies are only recently being discovered by the world, flowers had woven their delicate petals into the very fabric of Indian society, its rituals and traditions from time immemorial.
It is told that when Lord Buddha, in the course of a journey fell ill ,some Jain priests were able to treat him successfully with nectar served on a lotus petal. The story is an indication of the antiquity of Pushpa Ayurveda (Flower Therapy), which is now gaining attention all over the world.

Pushpa Ayurveda is a special branch of Ayurveda which was developed primarily by Jain priests. They were especially attracted to this therapy as it was closer to the Jain principle of ahimsa. Flower Therapy is the modern version of this age-old treatment existed in ancient India.
flowers have always had a special place in the lives of Indians. It is on the basis of this strong and eternal bond that Indian Flower Therapy continues to bring forth miraculous cures, to heal and to rejuvenate.

Healing emotions
Flowers can actually heal a host of emotional problems including grief, shock, depression, fear, panic, terror, hysteria, anxiety, etc. Moreover it also helps in many physical ailments. The first to discover their hidden powers was Dr. Edward Bach, a successful English physician. Dr. Bach discovered the healing energies of these beautiful creations in 1930. His remedies – the world famous Bach’s remedies – are popular even today.

Flower Remedies have the power to heal the mind and body, correct emotional imbalance and soothe the deeply embedded emotional disturbances. The preparation process involves drawing healing energy from flowers.

Aum Himalaya Sanjeevini Essences Private Ltd. believes in holistic healing, where treating the body goes hand in hand with treating the mind and emotions.
The Flower Remedies prepared by Aum are unique because utmost care is taken to ensure that, as far as possible, the flowers are not damaged by plucking or crushing them. In fact, precautions are taken so that there is no damage to the ecosystem or environment.

To prepare a remedy, mantras are chanted and special prayers are offered to the flowering plant. Then, in the presence of sunlight or moonlight, the pure, healing energies from the flowers are tapped and transferred to water. The process ends with a final thanksgiving prayer. These specially charged waters are the final products - a comforting remedy for many diseases
Flower energy remedies are simple and universal in their application. Unlike aromatherapy, they are prepared without any damage to the ecosystem. The flower is neither plucked nor crushed. The remedies are prepared by tapping into the natural vibrations and core etheric energy of flowers. There are no known side effects; hence they can be used by people of all ages.

Flower Therapy can also be used as a complementary treatment with other therapies like Acupressure, Reiki, Herbal Remedies, Homoeopathyy, Allopathy, etc to help a patient regain health. Therapist and healers across the globe are researching the curative properties of flower remedies.

Flower remedies are not tested on animals neither it contains any animal products. In fact, not a single flower is destroyed in the process of actually making remedies.
It is in the form of oral tablets or liquids or local application of gel. We never use gelatin- based capsules or tablets which is made from bones.

India, with its vast reservoir of flora is a veritable paradise for practitioners of Flower Therapy.

Indian flower remedies developed by us are now recognized and have found place in five major encyclopaedias of flower remedies published in English, Italian and German languages. They are exported under AUM brand to many countries.
Flower remedies from AUM
Given below are a few flower remedies prepared by AUM.

Curry Leaf Flower Essence :
A healing essence for those who suffer from ulcers and hyperacidity.

Morning Glory Flower Essence:
A powerful essence recommended for those battling drug-addiction. Reduces the agony of withdrawal symptoms during the rehabilitation process. Can be used by the addict at any stage of rehabilitation.

Peacock Flower Essence:
Extremely useful in the process of rehabilitation. For drug addicts, trauma victims and those recovering from the effects of a debilitating illness.
Flower remedies from AUM
Given below are a few flower remedies prepared by AUM.

Bougainvillea Flower Essence
A wonderful meditation aide for anxious minds. This soothing essence helps reach a state of greater emotional and spiritual well-being during meditation.

Swallow Wart Flower Essence:
For those who experience nightmares, panic attacks and restlessness. Helps treat the subconscious mind when it is in a state of agitation, torment and fear. Restores courage and well-being.

Drumstick Flower Essence
In addition to being effective in the treatment of bronchitis, this essence is also for those who wish to give up smoking or resolve inner conflicting emotions.

Ashoka Flower Essence
Recommended for relief from intense grief and disharmony in one’s inner self brought on by personal tragedy, illness or loneliness. Also useful in the treatment of infertility in women.
Flower remedies from AUM
Given below are a few flower remedies prepared by AUM.

Lotus Flower Essence
This essence is especially useful for convalescents and those suffering from complex emotions. A useful meditation aide that calms the mind, soothes turbulent emotions and assists spiritual growth.

Golden Rod Flower Essence
Recommended when insecurity drives one to seek attention through negative behaviour. Increases self-esteem and helps build a more harmonious relationship with oneself and those around.

Neem Flower Essence
Helpful for those who are rigid in their outlook and allow their head to rule at all times over their heart. Enables one to be less judgemental and more open to love, kindness and understanding.

Teakwood Flower Essence
A refreshing, vitalizing essence for those over 60. Improves concentration and makes mind more agile. Also useful in the treatment of senile dementia and irrationality.
Flower remedies from AUM
Given below are a few flower remedies prepared by AUM.

Cannon Ball Flower Essence
Useful for women whose deep- rooted fears vis-à-vis sex have lead to frigidity, thus preventing them from conceiving. Helps build a healthier perception of the sexual act.

Ixora Flower Essence
Revitalises and enhances sexual expression. Recommended for those experiencing sex for the first time. Also recommended for couples who wish to bring the spark back in their sexual life.

Water Lily Flower Essence
For couples who wish to bring the excitement back in their love life. Helps remove sexual inhibitions and heighten sensuality.
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