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How to use flower remedies?
Flower essences and Formulae can be used in any of the following ways:

Oral administration
Using a dropper, squirt seven drops of the flower remedy on the tongue. The remedy may be taken thrice a day. In acute cases, add seven drops of the remedy to a cup of water and take a sip every 15-30 minutes. Never administer the remedy orally to an unconscious patient. In such cases, local application is advisable, though not on open cuts or wounds.

External application
Flower Remedies are also effective when applied locally or used externally in compresses, packs, creams, lotions, ointments, oils, etc. They may also be applied on acupressure points.

Bath therapy
Cleanse the bath water by squeezing the juice of half a freshly-cut lemon into it. Next, add seven drops of the remedy to the water. Stay in the tub for 30 minutes or, if a tub is not available, bathe using a bucket of water to which the drops have been added. Repeat this procedure, if required, after 24 hours.
Again a number of therapeutic methods are provided.Thanks for sharing.

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nice piece of information on flowers having healing power. thanks to neetu jain
We can heal hair fall by using Hibiscus,Rose flower petals for lips and skin and Marigold for healing wound.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Flowers have the power to heal the soul, warm the heart and instill life and hope in the heart.

Yes , you are right sumit, Flowers heal soul with their pleasant look.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

15 Unique Uses of the Hibiscus Flower

There are 5000 varieties in China rose or shoe flower, Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa sinensis). There are many uses of hibiscus, including beauty tips, medicines and dyes. Do you know that some tribes are using this flower for cancer? Many colors
of Hibiscus are available. Of all these white one has much importance in medicine.

1. The chemicals in hibiscus flower helps in growth of hair. It reduces dandruff and makes the hair black.
2. The natural oil in this flower acts as a good conditioner
3. This flower can be used as natural dye for hair
4. The oil in this flower can be applied to the skin of patients who are suffering from cellulite which makes the skin to glow
5. The ash obtained by burning the flower and leaves of this flower can be applied to eyebrows which glazes them black
6. This flower can be used as shoe polish by rubbing it on the shoe
7. Hibiscus flower can be used as contraceptive. The oil from this flower is used for abortion in some tribes in Jamaica.
8. Jamaicans use this flower in herbal tea as it contains many minerals and vitamins
9. The juice from these leaves and flowers can regularize the menstrual cycle
10. Ayurveda says the medicine made from its roots can be used as a prevention of venereal diseases
11. According to traditional medicine if we eat the buds of white hibiscus flowers early in the morning on empty stomach it should cure all the diseases. We can mix sugar if we are unable to eat directly.
12. This flower improves digestion. Hence raw flowers are eaten by Hawaiian people, and Chinese eat this flower by making pickle.
13. The fiber from this stem is qualitative. This can be used in manufacturing of clothes, nets and paper.
14. The roots of hibiscus are boiled in oil until the water gets evaporated. Then the oil can be applied to the wounds caused by cancer. This can be very useful in initial stage of cancer.
15. According to the traditional medicine, the flowers of white Hibiscus can be dried in the shade of neem tree. Then they can be powdered and it can be used to fight all cancers.
Marigold Flower (Herb) - Uses And Side Effects

Marigold's botanical name, Calendula officinalis, reflects the fact that the plant seems to be in bloom the first day of each calendar month. Herbal components come from the small, bright yellow-orange flower heads of C. officinalis. Researchers have also examined the shoots and leaves for active compounds.

An annual, this plant is native to southern Europe and the eastern Mediterranean and now grows in many parts of the United States and Canada. It probably originated in Egypt, where It was valued as a rejuvenating herb. Seeds sown in April, in any soil, in sunny, or half-sunny places germinate freely. They require no other cultivation but to keep them clean from weeds and to thin out where too close, leaving them 9 to 10 inches apart, so that their branches may have room to spread. The plants will begin to flower in June, and continue flowering until the frost kills them. They will increase from year to year, if allowed to seed themselves. The seeds ripen in August and September, and if permitted to scatter will furnish a supply of young plants in the spring.
Common doses of marigold

Marigold comes as an ointment of 5% flower extract, an infusion, and a mouthwash. Some experts recommend the following doses:

* As an ointment, apply to the skin.
* As a tincture or tea, take 1 to 4 milliliters orally daily.

Uses of marigold herb

* As an antiseptic
* As a skin treatment during aromatherapy
* Bedsores
* Chapped lips
* Leg ulcers
* Skin inflammation
* To aid digestion
* To promote skin healing
* Varicose veins

It has been asserted that a Marigold flower, rubbed on the affected part, is an admirable remedy for the pain and swelling caused by the sting of a wasp or bee. A lotion made from the flowers is most useful for sprains and wounds, and a water distilled from them is good for inflamed and sore eyes.
Side effects of marigold

Call your health care practitioner if you experience an allergic reaction when using marigold.

Combining herbs with certain drugs may alter their action or produce unwanted side effects. Tell your health care practitioner about any prescription or nonprescription drugs you're taking.

Important points to remember

* Don't use marigold if you're pregnant or breast-feeding.
* Don't confuse C. officinalis with other ornamental marigolds, such as Tagetes patula (French marigold), T. erecta (African marigold), or T. minuta (Inca marigold). Known for their ability to repel insects and earthworms, these plants are found in many vegetable gardens.
* Know that marigold carries a risk of allergic reactions.

What the research shows

Marigold has been used for centuries to aid skin healingapparently without causing problems. Although some animal tests support its healing and anti-inflammatory effects, the herb hasn't been tested on people. More research must be done to confirm other claims for marigold's medicinal uses.

Other names for marigold : -

Other names for marigold include calendula, garden marigold, and pot marigold.
You may already appreciate lavender for its aromatic fragrance, used in soaps, shampoos, and sachets for scenting clothes. However, this herb is also considered a natural remedy for a range of ailments, from insomnia and anxiety to depression and mood disturbances. Recent studies bear out years of anecdotal evidence showing that lavender produces calming, soothing, and anticonvulsive effects. According to some research, lavender may be as effective as certain barbiturates in treating sleep disorders.

Lavender Flower Parts Used

The fresh or dried flowers of the lavender plant are used for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal Uses/Indications

Lavender is a recognized treatment for the following conditions and symptoms:

* Restlessness
* Insomnia
* Abdominal complaints
* Rheumatism
* Loss of appetite

Lavender may also be used externally for a variety of treatments. Aromatherapists use it as a tonic in inhalation therapy to treat nervous disorders and exhaustion. Herbalists treat skin ailments, such as fungal infections, burns, wounds, eczema, and acne, with lavender. It is also used externally in a healing bath for circulatory disorders and as a rub for rheumatic ailments.
Flowers heal our mind when we are in disturbed mood, at that time keep few light color or the flowers which you like the most, then your mind comes out of the disturbance you were it.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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