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I have so far not had any unpleasant experiences because I keep as far away as possible from stray dogs.However, I have seen the manner in which they can attack, having witnessed them attacking a lady walking the park by herself and they attacked her without any provocation .Thankfully the gardener who was working close by threw stones at them and distracted them and she could get away. So they can attack anybody when they feel like ...

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

usha manohar wrote:

I have so far not had any unpleasant experiences because I keep as far away as possible from stray dogs.However, I have seen the manner in which they can attack, having witnessed them attacking a lady walking the park by herself and they attacked her without any provocation .Thankfully the gardener who was working close by threw stones at them and distracted them and she could get away. So they can attack anybody when they feel like ...


Every moment, even without provocation if some one goes that way the dogs think that they are here to invade their territory. The lady should have just shown a stone or posed as if she's going to pickup a stone, the dog runs away. This is not applicable to all stray dogs, especially to mad dogs.


Street dogs are greatest danger and I do face while jogging near dawn. I used to take a stick and many a times dogs ran away but showing of stick does not affect some dogs, street dogs are menace. Enduring adversaries lead to strength, courage, conviction and strong faith.

There are exceptions. But many normal dogs fear a stick.

The dogs chase if you run. So better don't run and just stand. In most cases, this will suffice. But if the dog is aggressive, there is only one way. quickly remove your coat or shirt and throw on dog's face so as to cover the eyes. Then move quickly but not run. 

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan Kumar Ajmani wrote:

The dogs chase if you run. So better don't run and just stand. In most cases, this will suffice. But if the dog is aggressive, there is only one way. quickly remove your coat or shirt and throw on dog's face so as to cover the eyes. Then move quickly but not run. 


Exactly sir. Running provokes the dog and it chases you.


Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani

Absolutely that is the trick and I have done that many times to get rid of stray dogs. And if you don't do that then dog will do it's work on you. ;-)

Running away from the dog will provoke the Dog. It thinks that you are going to invade it's territory.. And that's the reason why it chases.

Dogs have a strong belief in' ek gali me ek rahega' (there will be just one in one street), so it's better to avoid going to their areas or make them believe you're the boss.

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Very very true. As a pet dog owner I know The Dog Rule. Unknowingly once when I entered a domain of other dogs along with my pup during a morning walk, all the dogs in the street pounced on my pet. It became a Herculean task for me to save my pup. Since then I learned the lesson and never entered other dog Domains.

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