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Yes there must be limits so it cannot be wasted and used in useful way.

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why would they put limits ronark...selling of liquor brings in the much needed moolah to the sellers and govt,
why would they put limits ronark...selling of liquor brings in the much needed moolah to the sellers and govt,

what is moolah ?

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I think moolay means more money to the sellers and government in taxes.

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yes sasikant you are right ...moolah means money.
Deven can you say which language is this. :) :)

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haha :laugh: :laugh: ..its very much english buddy...its more of a slang word
Oh i dont know up to now this is a word in english thankss for this.

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yes, Celebrating with drinks is a tradition of our rulers and not local rulers but English people and it still prevails in our nation.
All are became liquor fans people are living with out water but they cannot live with out liqour.

Even liquor fans drink by diluting with water and soe times with soda. Thus if you consume liquor, you take water also.

Rather we may say that people prefer liquor to milk.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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