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15 years ago
This is really true that child labor is crime. It should stooped. Govt. should take strict action to stop these all things. We also all need to aware from this and keep our childes away from labor work. And give our child good education and good life.
If all will make aim for his child then most problem will solve automatically.
If all will make aim for his child then most problem will solve automatically.
Santosh Kumar Singh
15 years ago
Effect to child from labor work
If child did not get education if you will make him labor then he will always feel sad when he will see any child student.
He will involve in smoking and drinking soon.
He can be thief easily.
He will miss his good identity.
he will miss his good life.
He will feel that his this life has bad.
so all those discussion my question is will you allow your children for labor work.
If child did not get education if you will make him labor then he will always feel sad when he will see any child student.
He will involve in smoking and drinking soon.
He can be thief easily.
He will miss his good identity.
he will miss his good life.
He will feel that his this life has bad.
so all those discussion my question is will you allow your children for labor work.
Santosh Kumar Singh
15 years ago
In India, It is very difficult to abolish child labor.Children are main workers in agriculture.Their parents uses them as nice source of extra income.they don't care about their childhood. :(
15 years ago
I think in villages hard work is requirement and childrens able to do hard work they also like to work and some do not want study because they really do not know and need of education. so some thing should be there to encourage children for educations.
Santosh Kumar Singh
15 years ago
Thank you all for your participation. The topic is now closed.
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