Why the children feel mathematics to be tougher in comparision with other subjects?

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Mathematics is seen as tougher than most subjects mainly due to the inability of parents and teachers to make it interesting to the children. BY nature, maths is a bit boring and too technical a subject which makes it appear tough. But if proper examples are used taking into account things that children are familiar with, intersperse them with use of colorful illustrations, verses etc. it can be made more interesting and the children will find it easier than usual to understand!


Mathematics is one of three R s.   Reading, writing and arithmetic constitute education. Reading and writing are also difficult to begin with. But when child has learnt the alplhabet, reading and writing are no longer difficult. Mathematics or Aritmetic- a branch of mathematics alone remain as difficult subject.  Science that includes mathematics is also difficult. 

The other subjects like History, Political Science and humanities do not need systematic reading and so not so difficult. Mathematics needs thorough study in sequential manner. If you do not learn the  first step, you will not learn the next. similarly, forgetting anything will make learning next steps dufficult. For example, if you do not know simple interest, you cannot learn compound interest. It can be said without fear of contradiction that mathematics is read education. Hence, it is difficult.  It is necessary for advancement of country to encourage students to learn mmathematics, which is base for study in astronomy, space and other sciences. The teachers should be trained to make the subject interesting and encourage students to opt mathematics.




Children feel Mathematics subject tough because Mathematic subject is a practical one. So they feel it is tough. Mostly mathematics deals with logic.



Unfortunately, most methods textbooks do not follow a sequential order. There are about 5 different text books for Maths Methods CAS units and none of them are perfect, in fact, there's a couple that I would say, absolutely suck.


This is not the same case to all the children. Some are better in maths rather than in other subjects, but reason for what a child fears maths is quite different as he/she does in other subjects. First of all, the seriousness shown by the elders while somebody talks about maths which affects the child in negative. Secondly, lack of practice: Maths needs much practice to understand or grasp the idea of a particular mathematical problem or the similar in comparison to other subjects. On the other hand regular practice gives way to find links to the solution of new problems. The most acting factor in this respect is the non-convincing way of teaching by the teacher. A maths teacher should always have the patience in teaching maths. He/she should explain the solution of a problem elaborately, afterwards he/she may opt for the shortcut. A child, after understanding all  the tiny factors of a mathematical solution can automatically go for a shortcut way.



They feel tough as they dont know the formulae when they learn it will be easy for any one to do it.


dnt knw


I feel it has to do with the impression of Maths being perceived as a difficult subject than it actually is, which seems to make it feel tougher than other subjects.



No, its not the case with all the children. There are children who show lot of interest in Mathematics. Parents and teachers should devise a way that makes the child show interest towards mathematics.


Memorizing will not work much on this subject. Once if the person is well versed with logic he/she can solve. Apart from this, We do not have much efficient professionals to teach mathematics in an efficient manner. If a teacher creates an interest among the students, they will rock.


I think it need a lot of practice and above all agood base that is agood foundation is must..if it not there then this subject is seems to be like aburden....


Many students used to just remember the answers in theory subject instead of understanding it. And in maths one can not do the same. So student who used to do the same found it hard.



Actually Mathematics is an interesting subjects. Those who are not having interest in this subject are not able to study the subject. This is a subject of understanding the concepts and not memorizing. So those who are not having good memory power also can get good marks.



Children feel mathematics tough because it is a practical subject and it cannot be mugged like other subjects, have to solve the problems practically.


I would say that sometimes it becomes difficult to make a child undrstand mathematics subject. Once they get it into their mind, it is easy for them. This subject requires good practice and patience.


"Mathematics is a poetry of logical ideas" said by Newton. Children have to apply their brain in solving Maths problem and they cannot mug up maths as they do for other subjects


Unless there is interest and aptitude mathematics can be tough since it needs specific method and calculation, one cannot simply add on what one pleases.It is an intelligent persons subject and those with less brain power may find it taxing...


Mathematics is a interesting subject. it needs to read carefully then we can understand it.We can solves our sums easily.We should not afraid from it..


I never find Mathematics as the tough subject, rather i liked the most till 10th Standard. It is Scoring subject, where you don't have to store much in the brain like the theory subject.


Most of the students find mathematics subject tough, as it has calculations, and when the calculations go wrong students find it tough, but when you get the calculations right they find it easy. Mathematics is an interesting subject, when you get the calculations right it can be like a game.

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