Five articles per day...

well is it possible to write 5 articles per day in boddunan..has anyone did it?

Category: Boddunan

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Rajani, it is a bit difficult but not entirely impossible to write five articles in a day. Provided you do proper homework beforehand and write down down the main points of what you want to say! Then you can just type them out in notepad, format properly and then submit! But it is very important to structure it properly beforehand.



Yes its possible to write 5 articles in a day.In my view if person has good material article writing then he should write not more than 3 articles in a day.

If person has short material for article then he can write 5 articles.

Rajani i don't known who has written 5 articles in a day...



As the saying goes, nothing is impossible. Writing five articles a day is also not impossible here. If you are dedicated, focused, and providing good information for the readers, you are good to go. However writing five articles consistently is an arduous task. People who have five years of experience would be able to do that. Depends if you are experienced then you can do that but if you are new it is recommended that you go with only one and gain experience first before launching :) Cheers


It depends on calibre and tme devoted. again, one may first write a few articles in M.S. Word and submit these later.  This may be necessary when internet connection does not work properly. Thus one may write on different days but submit all articles- maximum five allowed- on a single day. .

suni51 I have written 5 articles in a day on this site once and on other sites where the size required is not that big as here I can write 5 in 2-3 hours. - suni51 - 12 years ago


An article writer can write five or ten articles per day.But for a person who have the desire that there should be quality to the article cannot write five articles per day.An article on just writing will not become article in its sense.It is a just a write up.He had to read it after writing it.Then there will be some corrections.Again on reading comes some more ideas.Thus after about five reading it gets a shape and size.So how can one perform these tasks on such five suitable length articles?

Those who are writing for writing sake can have five articles per day.Also if article is of 100 to 150 words , five or more can be written.



Yes writing article is not difficult, i have posted about 4 small aritcles in a day. They all are written when i was at my college. At the maximum i can write 2 good articles per day. Some one who is really good at writing can make upto 5 or 10 depends on their skill. If you are a content writer or blog writer you could easily do.And while writing article see to that proper homework is done, homework means taking down the points and how we are going to present it. after taking notes, it can be elloborated.So you can write upto 10 articles in a day provided you are good at writing.

Tip 1: Be Clear About the Purpose of Your Article

Tip 2: Have an Attractive and Catchy Headline

Tip 3: Include a Summary Byline

Tip 4: Begin Well







If one can submit one good well formatted article per day that is good enough ! There is no point in going after sheer numbers.quality is always better than quantity as elsewhere in life...


It is possible only. But I have not yet tried for it.


It is possible to write 5 articles in a one day. If you have great dedication and stamina.
Still I do't try it.


There are many talented persons with good knowledge can post good articles more than 5 but the limit is 5 only.


It is a tough one to do.


hardworking we can do anything


Yes writing 5 articles in a day is not difficult. If a person has thorough knowledge on the topics that he/she is going to write, then its very much possible.



You didn't mention the length of the article. I can write 10 articles a day or may be more if there is no restriction on length.


Yes it is possible for people who devote more time online and do online stuffs for serious earnings otherwise people who do it part time for them its not easy to do that.


If you want to write the best articles with good format and files attached with it, 5 articles in a day is more than enough.


Boddunan has provided you the maximum number of articles a person can post in a day. It is not hard and fast rule to post 5 articles every day. If anybody can do it, it is good.
I would say that article writing is an art. If you are good writer, you will have flow of wrods to write on each and every topics. Hence you may write 5-15 articles in a day.


Its tough but you can do it


If keep a aim to write 5 articles perday completely then definitely we can complete



i have a treasure of my hand written article but i don't know why some problems are there so i am unable to submit them. its very frustrating because i fear of rejection. any way we can write many article if we have enough time to focus on writing article.
good luck

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