Articles [General Reference]

In ancient times women had an honorable position in the society. They were equal partners of men in every field of life. Sita, Savitri, Gargi and Anusuya are the pillars of Indian womanhood. During the Muslim rule women lost their position of honor...

The problem of indiscipline among students has become a common feature of our social and educational life. There are strikes and agitations all over the country. Reports of indiscipline, strikes and unhappy incidents often come from colleges and...

Man is generally unhappy with the present. He thinks of the past and dreams of the future for mirth. Future is uncertain. It is a sealed book unopened and unstudied by anybody so far. So it is natural that man should think of the past for...

India is an agriculture country. About eighty per cent of her people live in villages. Gandhiji, the Father of our Nation, used to say, “If you want to see India, see her in villages.” So the prosperity of the country depends upon the prosperity of...

“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” The post of a principal is not a bed of roses as they think. It requires not only great scholarship but also a lot of administrative ability. A principal holds a place of great importance in the...

‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’, is a well-known proverb. Unlike machines man cannot work day and night without rest. Our life will become dull if we are always busy in doing the same work. Leisure saves us from the dullness of life....

Yesterday I was enjoying a sound sleep at noon. Suddenly a postman rang the doorbell and delivered me a letter which was from my old friend living in a far-off village. My younger brother saw the letter. He wanted to know how a letter reaches its...

India is a land of fairs. Fairs are very common in India. In almost all parts of the country fairs are held. Some of them are religious, some are commercial and some are social. Some fairs are held annually of six monthly at their scheduled times...

Our country has produced great heroes, patriots and warriors from time to time. Indian history abounds with the brave deeds of heroes, like Shivaji and Rana Pratap. My favorite hero is Shivaji. He was a great nationalist. He lived and died for the...

I am very fond of reading books. I have read a good number novels, one-act plays, short stories and poems. But the book that I like most is the ‘Ramcharit Manas’ of Goswami Tulsidas. The ‘Ramcharit Manas’ is a famous book. It is a religious book...

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