Articles [General Reference]

Friendship vs. Love Friendship is a relation & Love is an emotion. We do have emotions in every relation. Everyone conclude that friendship is the best for life, now question is why FRIENDSHIP is more important for better life against...

I had gone to a wedding. Everyone was in a very happy mood, but i was missing my husband since he had not come for it. So, i wanted to spend some time alone with myself. The house, where the wedding was taking place, was 3 floor high. 3rd floor was...

Nowadays the life of man is very busy. After hard work of the day, everyone wants leisure. Recreation is very necessary for a happy life. Seeing cinema films is a very cheap and readily available form of recreation. Students are very fond of seeing...

Is the use of forces really a solution of Naxalism? Poverty is the main root problem for the growth of naxals. in these rural areas governmental organizations are not working properly. If a farmer in this area approaches a police station with a...

Causes of child labor First and foremost cause is unemployment of the parents is a cause for child labor. The non implementation of the guidelines of commission of child rights. Child Education is the problem I mean drop out of the children from...

The reasons for the terror attacks It prevails due to economic difference .Equality before law is not implemented properly. In our nation the gap between have and haves not going divergent and The only way combat terrorism is proper education from...

What is one man’s food, is another man’s poison. Tastes differ from man to man. Every man has his own likes and dislikes. He likes or dislikes things according to his nature. I like simple, truthful and polite persons. I have a great disliking for...

Please don’t kill babies If an underage girl were to be impregnated, should she risk her life and future procreation ability and give birth to the child or opt for an abortion? If a mother or both parents are unable to take care of a child, what...

Should Alcohol be banned or not? Nothing is too bad until it is used in its extreme. If any person has no sense that too much alcohol is harmful, he will search for some other option, if it is banned. People get to know how much to consume...

An aimless life is practically no life. A man without aim is like a ship without a rudder or an engine without steam. His ambition puts him into action. We must therefore have some definite aim in life that is, we must choose a profession. One who...

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