Articles [General Reference]

In today's fast-paced world with extreme competition, it has become necessary that a person has access to fast and reliable means of communication. Mobile phone or cellular phone is one such gadget which helps you reach another person anywhere,...

QUOTE- Who looks outside - dreams, who looks inside - awakes. —Carl Jung From a very young age , I have always been fasinated about mystical things , supernatural stuff and out of the world happenings . So when I came across this article in a...

Happiness is simply a feeling of feeling good about anything at any particular instant. Happiness is something that is not permanent. if we are happy today, tomorrow we will be sad. why don't we find happiness in being sad? happiness is what we...

One of the best friends of women is her Handbag. What ever be the occasion there is no reason for a woman to ignore her handbag. History of handbags: Handbags were first mentioned in English literature from the time of 14th century. Bags called...

There is a body of opinion these days that reflects my own views on the matter, namely that keeping animals in captivity is wrong, no matter how carefully they are looked after. The argument that certain species face extinction and can be saved...

Chemistry Jokes Just graduated Chemist after his graduation bought a big bottle of alcohol to celebrate his graduation with the friends in his home-village. On the way he had to go to the bathroom and did not know where to live the alcohol; after...

During the ongoing era of economic reforms, Telecom sector reforms has been a success story, under a scenario of competitive growth shared by the public and private sectors, on the one hand, and the regulated environment, on the other. The planners...

At times I ask myself this question - am I happy? Am I truly satisfied with my life? Or is it that there are numerous things about my life that I want to change? Do I want to have a better life style? A more good looking girlfriend? A bigger...

Getting Started With Blogger Hi friends! The topics in this article are all about setting up your new blog and working with the basic configuration settings provided by the Blogger platform. Absolutely no programming, system administration, or...

  Holidays are real fun at the start...waking up at noon,watching T.V all day long--all the missed episodes of favorite serials while munching on all sorts of snacks available in the cupboard nearby..sleeping till i am hungry again....its just...

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