Articles [General Reference]

Selecting A New Template The process of implementing a new Blogger template is quite simple. However, remember that any customizations you have made to your existing template must be made again to your new template. For instance, if you have...

QUOTE- "We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere." -Ted Bundy . Anyone who has killed 3 people or more is a serial killer. But the people I'm going to talk about in this article are not people who just killed 3 or 4...

Are you worried about your retirement years? Do you have enough savings to lead a comfortable life post retirement? If not, then this is high time you opt for a comprehensive retirement plan.At the twilight years of your life, you need to have a...

Legislature, executives and judiciary are the pillars on which Indian democracy is built. The Indian judiciary which consists of the Supreme Court, High courts and lower courts has a vital role in protecting the rights of the citizens guaranteed by...

The lives of our ancestors were hard and uncomfortable. They were exposed to the rigors of the weather, to the hostility of wild beasts and to the dangers of famine. Their only weapon was intelligence. Using intelligence man found out the means to...

Writing is a means of self-expression. Writing emerged from the natural longing of man to give expression to his thoughts and feelings. The primitive men expressed their thoughts and emotions by drawing pictures. In course of time letters emerged...

Life is a mixture of joys and sorrows. It is a natural cycle but there happen some incidents in life, which ever remain fresh in memory.  Akhilesh was my bosom friend. His marriage was to be celebrated on 11th May, 2009. The date was decided in a...

QUOTE - Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. -...

Mathura is a place of pilgrimage and it is visited by thousands of men and women from different parts of India every year. There are many temples here, but the most famous is that of Shri Dwarkadhish. This temple is situated in the heart of the...

A zoo is a place where different kinds of living animals, beasts and birds are kept. It is a place of great interest for all particularly the students. By paying a visit to a zoo, people living in cities can have knowledge of different species of...

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