Articles [General Reference]

It is said music has the capacity to melt even stones, so it is no wonder that every living being gets mesmerised on listening to music. There will be very few who are not inclined to music, in some form or the other, or who have never experience...

Hi, Little Flower High School which was established way back in 1954 is one of the most reputed and popular school in Hyderabad. In fact, this architectural landmark has been around for so long, that practically everybody in Hyderabad knows about...

It is a known fact that Indians are the most intelligent people in the world and here is yet another platform which proves that the above fact is correct. As a matter of fact I am not a great follower of the American competition called "National...

Remember the old proverb “Pen is mightier than sword”? Yes, it is indeed true that the effect of a written word is mightier and stronger than that of a sword or any other physical weapon. A sword can only inflict physical damage to an individual,...

Self confidence may be very important a person's life. Self confidence may boost a person to work , to think new ideas and achieve the goal he want to achieve.The goals which may seem to be hard to achieve may be easily achieved by building self...

For some of us our mobile phone is very precious and we use it very carefully buy there are some who dont take proper care of their mobile phone. When proper care of mobile is not taken then it may harm the mobile by causing scratches to the...

Mr. APJ Abdul Kalaam's speech in Hyderabad A must read for every Indian Quote: I have three visions for india. In 3000 years of our history, people from al over the world have come and invaded us, captured our lands, conguered our minds. From...

Nowadays, how many of us write a letter to our friends? Or for that matter, how many of us actually take efforts to go pick out a card for someone and post it? Gone are the days of good old snail mail!! With the age of computers and smartphones,...

Life after death(Science and Spirituality) Science and Spirituality are the two sides of the same coin. Science pursues the eternal truth by formulating equations and relating cause and effects of the nature. Whereas spirituality relates the same...

These days our media is busy to find out the reason of low performance of Indian Cricket team. In this article I just want to know Is cricket have that much importance in our life or our country sucess. We are fighting with terriorism since last 50...

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