Articles [General Reference]

Events taking place in a far-away land which all we know to be the United Kingdom have baffled politicians, the governments, sociologists and psychologists all over the world. The TV scary footages of thousands of marauding brigades consisting of a...

DTP -A revolution in publishing sector With the advent of computers the printing and publishing industry underwent a sea of changes. DTP (Desk Top Publishing) changed the very face of publishing and lent it the ease and comfort unheard of until...

India's political system  India is a parliamentary democratic quasi federal republic. The affairs of state are conducted on principle of distribution of functions between executive, legislature and judiciary. The executive is responsible to...

Internet- the millennium hero Internet sprawls over the world with its spell bound presence. The world as a whole is today brought into your drawing room. Today, crores and crores of people all over the world are connected together through the...

Writing is an interesting job Many people if we see in a train or bus, they just write something seriously. If we get introduction with that person, and ask about his secret of writing he would be informing us, that he is planning to save money in...

When we purchase a computer Computer, with its tremendous popularity plays a vital role in changing the world around.Once unaffordable and unaccessable computer, now has become affordable and accessable to ordinary people. Modern technology and...

Computer courses Knowledge of computers is the need of the hour. Its application and usage is fast spreading across almost every speed of life. Computer has opened an unlimited source of employment opportunities in the modern times. This has...

Ignite Your Passion for Success Every body wants to befriend success.And in their way to success they will confront many challenges.But the best thing is that there are ways to get rid of these problems and challenges.However getting success on...

It was during the stone age when Man discovered fire to make his work easier. He invented fire to keep himself warm. It was fire thath helped man to keep himself safe from dangerous animals. He also used fire for cooking food. Later on, with the...

Have you ever been told you have an analytical brain? Well its funny when I hear that,because ever brain is analytical. Analysis is something our brain is designed to do.How it functions is a mystery to all of human race.We humans have now...

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