Articles [General Reference]

The word cruelty is quite common in human life and can be simply defined as hurting living beings either intentionally or by mistake. Though there are chances of being unconscious in many cases, the equal chances of acting cruel with consciousness...

Internet is meant for providing information and social networking sites help us in maintaining relationships that is being in touch with our friends and relatives. that may be myspace, facebook, orkut, twitter and anyother website. but the main aim...

There are times when we feel it’s over and we are just not made for it; when we get dumped in relations, when we lose someone very dear ,when life seems to be so cruel and whatever we did to make it happen didn’t work it just ended leaving us...

The first birth in this creation is man.  The word “human” has been derived from the word “humus”. The meaning of humus is soil. We always hear that the terms “Ladies First”. If we ask anyone, what is this ladies first. Then people may answer that...

The greed for power and the greed for authority has landed our nation in a huge trouble. Every political party today has clearly got some aims other than the development of the nation. Corruption was a serious issue before a couple of decades too...

Saree is the most beautiful coustom in the world . No other dresses can be comparable with this costume. The greatness of the saree is know to each and everyone.It represents India as a traditional wear and in many occassions these sarees...

We purchase footwear by spending a lot of money. But we use it and throw it. But never take care of it. So the quality decreases. So if you want your foot wear to be used for long time follow the below given steps. 1.If dust fall on the foot...

Now a days usage of internet is increased. There are lot of ISPs with lot of means of internet viz. dial up package,GPRS, 3G data cards, EVDO cards, Broadband etc. First of all , the user should know what will be his usage. Depending upon that he...

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It allows your body to replenish glycogen stores after an overnight fast. A healthy breakfast should include whole grains or cereals, high protein like eggs, milk, paneer and fresh fruits or...

The process of birth The birth process is a great physical ordeal to the human infant because he is forcibly expelled from the intrauterine cavity. Further external force is often applied to facilitate the process of birth ( Good enough). Though...

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