Articles [General Reference]

Now Days there are hundreds number of social networking sites. And most of Internet users are using social networking site. Some of them are using for their good purpose and also some of the members mis-using it. But I have got so much...

History of tools: It was approximately 2,600,000 years ago,the earliest known tools consisted of variously sized examples of the pebble tool, or chopper. The chopper is thought to be the first tool made and used by human the name suggets...

All of us are very much familiar with Graham Bell, Thomas Alva Edison and Sameer Bhatia. They are all credited with great achievements that changed the world. However, there are a few people whose inventions also have altered the face of technology...

  Every worker would like to reflect the image of dynamism and honest, integrity and and conscientiousness, diligence etc. These are the basic components of professionalism. If one likes to exude these, one has to build an image of...

Renaissance Art Renaissance art is a component of the Renaissance is a period of renewed literary, artistic, and scientific, which occurred in Europe in the sixteenth century. A key aspect of the Renaissance period as is the renewal of subjects...

There are two types of reservations India which are given below:- Caste Reservation:- Certain seats are reserved for students of backward castes.  Say for example there are 100 seats in a college, 30 of them are reserved for backward castes and 70...

I often heard people talking about their flight in an aero plane. I often saw airplanes hovering about the sky. How i wished, i too could enjoy a flight in an aero plane! Fortunately i had an importunately very soon. My father had gone to Mumbai on...

A Lesson Of Perseverance   Have you ever observed the behaviour of the birds in the face of adversity...? For days and days they build their nests and sometimes bring the materials brought fron far away,and when they have completed making the...

Introduction : I am fond of telling stories,  playing games in my computer. My computer is not only a leisure machine but also my way of sucess. I analyse and think of the latest release of Hardware and Software with high performance...

We all feel stressed after a tiring day or when we face any problematic situation. One who successfully copes with stress is he/she who can see challenges in front of him or her, instead of problems. Here, I would like to discuss some ways to...

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