Articles [General Reference]

1.RELIGION WE ARE NOT HINDU..........NOT CHRISTIAN.......NOT MUSLIM...WE R HUMANSThe aim of this article is to bring a revolution in this country. For decades we have been fighting in the name of caste, creed, religion and region. Its high...

Iranian art The Iran (formerly Persia) is one of the world who left us a cultural and artistic extremely rich and universally appreciated. This includes many disciplines such as poetry, the architecture, the mosaic, the Persian miniature, the...

HEALTH: Health is  the physical mental and social well being of a person and not mereily free from disease. When is a person is said to be healthy? 1. If He has no sickness or disease. 2. If There is no physical handicap. 3. If He has...

METHODS OF STORAGE OF FOOD: DRY STORAGE: The storage of food materials at room temperature is called as dry storage. This method of storage is for perishable food materials like wheat, rice, sugar, pulses etc. Cold storage: The storage of...

Intellection- the process of thinking.thoughts- the content of cognition.A thought is an idea . It can change your life.if it is a great thought, it can change a society.What to think? any thing !. It will increase your brain capacity.You know our...

Ramzan is the holy festival of Muslims.It is the festival To Pray,To love,To care the following is the days of Fasting  and then took up the feast jointly,without any difference  of Rich or poor.The Iftars also made the human...

The People Who Not Want Anything(Wealth,Fame) Only Honesty And Truthfulness In There Life . People Who Can Work For A ''NAME''. The People With ''Spiritual But Not Religious '' Feeling Can Join This Community . The Person Who Can Dedicate There...

In Friendship-No Sorry No Thank U The only gift that we  have through out the life,which always tries to begin but  has no end..........It's friend You might be best friends one year, Pretty good friends the next year, Don't talk that...

#) More than 379 dead and 1500 plus were injured..... These are the number of victims of the cruel massacre by  a cruel man called dyer #)Shock and tension waves were flowing throughout the country hearing this incident #) The man responsible for...

The title says it all......DO you want to reform India and eradicate bribe??If the bribe money is instead used to improve our country then think what  our country will got change.Atleast lets reform now better late than never .For creation of...

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