Articles [General Reference]

In 2002, Volkswagen designed a concept car that could go 100 kilometers on 1 liter of fuel, equivalent to about 235 mpg. This year, Volkswagen shows off the second generation of the 1 liter concept, the L1, with the intention of production by 2013....

In the last few months Indian media is continuously showing the LAC vilations by Chinese People 's Liberation Army. But New Delhi is constatly rejecting these types of events. Government is saying that media is actually exaggeratting  the whole...

oppurtuinities and challenges: Our world would be a very boring, if we all agreed all the time.Allowing individuals to voice unpopular,inconvinient or controversial opinions is alsop important. not only might they be right (think galileo), but...

Life on earth is a test – a preparation for what is to come. For believers, this is eternal life in the immediate presence of God. So how are we made righteous and able to receive this eternal life? There is only one way – through faith and...

Bernard Shaw wrote in his famous play `Man and superman’; decency is the indecency’s conspiracy in silence’. In the same way `fashion’ is the word which covers every possible craze of a particular age in a sophisticated glamour. When handsome and...

EYES NEVER TELL LIE COZ EYE HAV NO HEART TO FEEL EMOTIONS N SENTIMENTS OF THE HEARTSo Much Pain Behind Those Eyes But Still They Don't Speak Out, Don't Let Know What They Feel ? What They Want From Others? How Do They Live Their Life ? Why Do...

Blogging Blogging took the concept of private diary and made it public. You could consider any online space where personal views are expressed to be a blog,and this dates back to the BBS and usenet days. even yahoo! geocities, launched many...

Smiles are the language of love.The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection.A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.All people smile in the same language.A warm smile is the universal...

    Happiness is a word commonly used by everyone. Even the aim of  each and everyone is finding happiness.. Can happiness be found some where.. I f it can be, there will be no gloom in this world.. Happiness s a state of mind only you can...

REALITY ABOUT GAMES : Pc or console, this generation is all about the games, and what a glo0rious generation this promises to be! We have already seen some great titles on the consoles- gears of ears, halo3, uncharged, ratchet and clank: tools of...

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