Articles [General Reference]

FRIENDSHIP: Do you know the relationship between two eyes..? They blink together, they move together, they cry together, they see things together and they sleep together but they never see each OTHER... That’s what friendship is…. A true...

DREAMS: In many ways, your most treasured dream is, even now, close enough to touch. If it seems distant, that's only because you imagine it to be.To reach your dream completely will of course take time and effort. Yet you can begin to reach...

Parrot I very much wish I where free again. I lie imprisoned in a cage. Whenever I see my cousins flying in the sky, I feel like joining them. My master is very kind me and supplies good food, but I am unable to feel happy all the same. Six...

#)Hai friends.... our freedom strugle not only involves Gandhiji and Nehruji and ther eare lakhs and lakhs of freedom fighter who sacrificed for their life and many of them are left unknown and people forget some. #)This article is about such a...

 Maintain a dairy:  Keep a dairy wherein you can record all your thoughts, ideas, insights, experiences etc. Look back on them periodically and analyse the thoughts and ideas which you had written. Find out if you could have done things...

Do you know you can help your friends, colleagues or neighbours financially without spending a single paise from your pocket.  You may find it hard to believe, but given below are some tips where you do not lose anything from your pocket , but your...

Youth is the main power of any country. On january 12th we celebrate Youth Day Because on that day Swami Vivekananda was born and he is an inspiration for all the youths not only in India but also all over the world because he is the first...

I belong to the genus `Nag’, the ort of snakes supposed to be highly venomous and characterized by the ability of flattens the neck into a hood like from when disturbed. Till a few months ago I had an object of dread. I would not harm anybody...

ORKUTOrkut is a social networking site and is the most popular among the Indians. This was started a few years ago. This site was developed by Google, and Gmail account works here also. This site sends  an activation link to the G-mail account and...

``Simple living’’ said the prophet Mohammed, `Sets my heart on higher thoughts’. There is a need to follow simplicity in our life. In today’s world of increasing pomp and show, when everybody is joining the rat race of displaying his wealth, we...

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