Articles [General Reference]

Todays fast life has really convert the life to nonenjoyeble and no has become so curse that people are not able to take time for there own .it is very important for the successfull life that one should know first himself. to make...

A mobile phone, as we all know, has become an essential item in the modern world. Almost 90% of the urban population has a mobile phone.  Also, the brands are changing by the month, and even a six-month old mobile phone is considered out-of-date....

You see them everyday, but hardly think about them. They are a house to so many. Many get food from them. Their large umbrellas give shade and peace to many others. In some cases their parts are also used for making medicines. Do you know what...

How nicely the birds fly. Up and above, they float in the air. Do some questions come to your mind regarding flying of the birds? If so ask the questions. Never be shy of asking questions. Asking questions is the sign of your curiosity. It is the...

Time & again, one questions himself about the stance he has being occupying. I guess i am asking such questions to myself from the past 3 years or so. I had ideas, plenty of them, i still have them, somehow execution side is not going on as per...

One day i was just thinking how many different emotions we show for different happenings in our life . Only we ( human beings ) have got the gift to show different types of emotions.I have listed below some of the emotions  and the circumstances /...

      The word "bribe" is no longer viewed with kind of negativity that was some common some thirty or forty years back. Some people jokingly called it "speed money" which you have to pay to impart some extra speed in getting your work done. In...

  What is Prayer   I think We can understand about paryer in following point 1. Prayer give us opportunity to open our heart with God. 2. Prayer is nearness to God its way to surrender us with God. 3. Prayer make us Happy and its clean our...

‘Co-Education’ means ‘teaching boys and girls at the same school’ or ‘teaching men-students and women-students at the same college or institute’. Co-education is found at all primary schools. But it is not found in all high-schools,higher secondary...

Modern young people can be divided into three groups- educated people, half-educated people, and uneducated people. Each group faces several problems in life.The main problem of educated people is getting suitable employment. Most educated people...

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