Articles [General Reference]

Need for economic use of Land The human population in India is over one hundred million. Our natural resources like land, water, minerals are limited. Per capita needs for these resources are alarmingly high. The main limitation is of land. Land...

Hi friends in this article I will share my experience with Boddunan, so far, on the event of receiving my first cheque. Really it is a great feeling to earn on my own and for all those who are starting with Boddunan, this is a trusted site in...

a) Do you find it very difficult to stop watching the television and do your homework? b) Do you find it very difficult to get up in the morning and study regularly? c) At the same time do you want to be thought to be a child who knows his or her...

HI friends, in this article let us discuss about a different type of topic which everyone would be fond off and that too no one hate this and it is none other than “KITE”. In fact the reason why chose he topic is that I saw a film called kite...

Why BJP Fails this time Agains Congress 1. Absense of Atal Bihari Bajpayee. 2. Party is not working on his actual Ajanda. 3. Future Leader like Promod Mahajan has dead. 4. Internal Fight existing. 5. Nobody is presense on whome public can...

Eating Meat is easy but you should know this truth 1. You can eat meat means doing one murder. 2. Whatever animal you are eating they have same relationship like us means they have mother, father, brother and sister. 3. Your are murdering who...

This article is on something everybody experiences in their lives, but do not think seriously about it or  make a note of it.  All of us always tend to live in the past as we always have a feeling that we had a glorious past when compared to the...

Moonwalk or “backslide” is a popular dance technique that gives the illusion that the person is moving forward, while he is actually doing a backward motion. The correct technique of performing a moonwalk is detailed below:Prerequisites: *A Smooth,...

The authors of the Indian Constitution chalked out the foreign policy of India on the basis of the method adopted by India to get independence from the foreign rule and for the economic stability of India. The principles of the foreign policy of...

A snob is a man of low birth or social position, or a man who gives overmuch importance and respect  to wealth or social position and who is ashamed of having connections with social inferiors. He is servile to social superiors. He judges merits by...

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