Articles [General Reference]

  The Indo-American relations have been undergoing a kind of transformation in recent years. In fact the relations between two democracies remained surprisingly paradoxical in nature in the earlier decades. It is one of the ironies of life that...

Airbus A400M The Airbus A400M is a transport plane military versatile designed by Airbus and is expected to enter service between 2012 and 2014 He is currently commissioned to 184 copies in 8 different countries, with whom he must replace the...

Design Because of its configuration of four engines, the A400M is often compared and compete with the Lockheed C-130 Hercules. In reality, there is much greater, located closer to the C-17 Globemaster. The A400M can be classified as strategic...

Presence of God What do you think about presence of god? Is our success gifted by god or its only depended on you. May be all believe that what that they are all due to god either good or bad but main thing is that it is he who has created...

Brain drain Brain drain can be due to any reason lack of opportunity, salary freezes health hazard, political instability etc. and even I agree to the fact that every person has dreams and migrating to fulfill their dreams is not wrong....

If we are trying to get in touch with a person to speak to him, then mobile is the first choice for many of us.  Many of us in our eagerness to speak to the person keep on dialing the number continuously without bothering to analyze why a person is...

Are you good at writing articles? Do you want to earn money by showcasing your writing talent? And last, but not the least, do you have spare time at home? Then, this is all you need to start writing articles to the web and earn money. There are...

No matter how much planning and preparation you do, something will not turn out the way you wanted it to be. Yet even when those inevitable disappointments do indeed come, you can adapt and make the very most of them. Life is not perfect and yet...

Its about fashion All who saw thirteen doing on thirty must be remembering that how does the arch nemesis of Jennifer garner looses the contract as she wanted to present fashion in a new face .But she fails to do so . All i am trying to say...

How to improve our village In village, most of the students, can’t able to continue their studies because of finance problem. What shall we do for them? Its difficult but possible if we try.Yes its possible. For that first we have form one team...

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